Mirror mirror...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2005
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Perth, Western Australia! :-)
After cycling and planning, I finally bought the "perfect pair" of bettas (WHAT? Are you guys accusing me of being biased??? :D ) Male is a feisty sapphire/red-tipped double tail (Romeo). Female is the most gorgeous emerald half-moon I've ever laid my greedy lil eyes on (Juliet). :drool:

They're both in a 10 gallon tank with a small corner filter, bubbles reduced so it's pretty calm in there. Lots of artificial plants, Java Moss, and nooks and crannies to hide in. They play this game where he flares, she flares, he chases, she runs, but then comes back for more (little tease!). But once in a while I think she gets tired of all the attention and although there are lots of places to hide inevitably he spots her and the race is on again. No nipping, just chasing.

He's showing no signs of bubble nesting and she's showing no signs of vertical stripes so breeding is on the agenda but far into the future.

I don't really want to put one of them in a net breeder if I don't have to (brings back bad memories of pet store cups)

My question is, is it OK to put a mirror against the tank on the outside to distract Romeo, and let Juliet have some peace?

Or am I completely off base here?
Why don't you get a largeish vase or cut off, de labeled coke bottle and put the female in there? Or am I completely missing the point?
Why don't you get a largeish vase or cut off, de labeled coke bottle and put the female in there? Or am I completely missing the point?
The point is, I'm hoping to let the both of them have swimming space and freedom... besides, unless I drill holes in the vase (impossible) or coke bottle, the water just won't circulate into it, thereby creating a potentially dangerous micro-environment.

But will a mirror do more harm (stress) than good?
Why not make a clear temporary divider? That way they can't get to each other, but the male will hopefully get exited and build a bubble nest. You could drill holes in it.
here in the US I've seen tank dividers that come with holes for circulation for a 10 g tank... I bet if ya look around a bit you'll find them. I was looking at them recently and I think they were about $5-6.
Unless you are planning on breeding them in the next couple days, you need to get a divider and seperate them. All the chasing the male is doing to the female is extremely stressful on her, and one of these days she might not be able to get away, or she will turn around and attack him and seeing as females are usually faster then the males, he might end up getting either mauled or killed. You can get some plastic canvas at wal mart or any craft store and use that as a divider. It's a plasic mesh and really easy to cut to the size you need.

Edited to add: Putting a mirror next to the tank might get him to bubblenest. He might see his reflection as competition, but other then that I doubt it will get him to quit chasing her around. Bettas are naturally agressive and territorial.
Thanks everyone. So the mirror goes up a couple of hours each day for his entertainment.

Came home last night and my poor Juliet has had her fins nipped here and there; she almost looks like a crown tail now :angry: so I put her in a net breeder with a couple plants for her to hide. Shoulda done that in the first place grrr but hopefully she'll return to her magnificent self soon. Using bettafix.

You can get some plastic canvas at wal mart or any craft store and use that as a divider. It's a plasic mesh and really easy to cut to the size you need.

AWESOME idea!!! :thumbs: Thank you so much for this one, I wonder why I never thought of it before... coz here in Oz apparently acrylic/perspex is really expensive and the purpose-made dividers are very expensive too... . And guess what, I have some plastic canvas stashed away somewhere from my crafty days this is sooo great. And if I can't find it it's off to the craft store tomorrow (Darn them public holidays!) I could almost kiss you for mentioning this idea; it would work better as a baby saver in my livebearer tank too.

Does it matter which side the heater is on? And the filter? (I'm guessing in the female section so that the bubble nest isn't disturbed)

Thanks again everyone...
I came home today and found that the male had built quite a substantial bubblenest under his half-styrofoam cup, And the female is quite happy in her net breeder although I still plan on using plastic canvas to give her more room.

Question now is, when do I introduce them to each other?? I've bred bettas before but with light-coloured females where you can see the vertical stripes showing breeding condition, but this one is very dark emerald green, and also I've never had such a feisty male before...!

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