

Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
:hyper: Ok just checked on my brood of eggs and what did I see but a fry from my batch which I thought had been eaten! I have now removed that fry (just in case)! He/she is tiny! Still can't believe it! Got brine shrimp waiting to be hatched should be ready in next 24 hours as set it up last night!

Just had to tell everyone sorry! :D
:hyper: Ok just checked on my brood of eggs and what did I see but a fry from my batch which I thought had been eaten! I have now removed that fry (just in case)! He/she is tiny! Still can't believe it! Got brine shrimp waiting to be hatched should be ready in next 24 hours as set it up last night!

Just had to tell everyone sorry! :D
well im very proud of you I tryed for a long time with no success good luck...lynn :)
:hyper: Ok just checked on my brood of eggs and what did I see but a fry from my batch which I thought had been eaten! I have now removed that fry (just in case)! He/she is tiny! Still can't believe it! Got brine shrimp waiting to be hatched should be ready in next 24 hours as set it up last night!

Just had to tell everyone sorry! :D
hope he is ok keep him nice and warm I bet its cold in yorks!
Yeah it's nice and warm I've moved him into the top of a bottle within a breeding trap within my other tank! The reason he's in the bottle is because he is tiny and would easily be lost through the holes at the bottom! He's still alive this morning swimming about! I'm annoyed that my bbs didnt hatch so gonna go to LFS to see what they have that I might be able to feed it and get new bbs eggs!

Also checked to see how dad is doing and this time round he has actually got his eggs completely in the bubble nest! When I checked last night the eggs were mainly in a clutch at the surface without many bubbles! Soon I should be able to report having a whole tribe of fry (I hope)!
I darent breed I would worry too much about them..it must be my maternal instinct!
Well I'm pleased to say that my eggs have hatched! They were trying to swim about this morning but dad kept putting them back in the nest! Going to seperate them tonight! They develop quickly at the moment as yesterday they were dots with a tail and now I can see they're eyes! They are strange things! Dad will be getting a treat of bloodworms and daphnia tonight (even it it means freezing my fingers off catching them) He's doing better this time round!
No he was just hanging about there when I saw him/her but I will be adding it back in with the rest of the fry later when I have the male seperated!
I think my fry from last week is dead I found a single dead fry yesterday morning and couldn't see him swimming about so presume it was him! Oh well I still have the rest of the fry to care for think I have over 50 at the moment! They are 4 days old now and eating well! I've got my fingers crossed for them hopefully I will manage to get some to adult hood!

I will keep you posted on their developments! I wish I could take decent pics of the parents but they won't stay still long enough for me!

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