Miracle Platie


Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
north wales
About four weeks ago i transferred all of my fish from my old tank to my new. in them was a female platy. i kept the water in the tank with the filter on, just incase (hospitol tank), today my friend asked me whether he could buy the tank, so i switched on the light to show him around the tank, and to my surprise past went a baby platie, i searched for ages to find another but he/she seemed to be the only one, anyway i have set it back up again cleaned it, and fed it. A few hours later and all seems fine, with my liitle platie :wub:.

if any one could give suggestions on what to do for the best of the fish, please say.


tell your mate he cant have it yet(( tho if you have a planted tank he may survive in there will the adults)),make sure if you have a filter in there make sure its not strong enuff to suck him up,feed the little guy crushed up flakes,2-4 times a day
platys are so hardy, i currently have a tank with over 50 fry in and expecting more any day ((( i love them too bits)))

whatever you decide to do with him i wish you all the best
he's all on his own in a 30litre tank

i have 5 females in my 65l so soon more to come :hyper:

thanks for the help :good:
well if the others arrive in about 2-3 weeks, he will

have so much company he wont know what to do with himself

you should keep the tank as a fry tank ;) ;)
If your miracle baby is 4 weeks old, he's probably big enough to live with the adults. I'm guessing he's almost 2 cm long by now.
im very new to babies :lol: because he is probably alot younger then because hes about 1cm long tops

how old would this make him?
Sounds like only 2 or 3 weeks. He will likely not survive with the adult platies. Another week or 2 will do it. He may just be small because he was not fed a rich diet the first few weeks. My only experience is with well fed platy fry.
Feed him w/ BBS( Baby Brine Shrimp) and he will grow like a weed! I have 1 week old Green Sailfin's that are almost bigger than my 2 month old Black Molly as they are being fed BBS.
Blood Womr is okay. But BBS is the Ultimate fry food, as it is easy for them to eat, becasue it's so small. You will have to cut/crunch up the blood worm though.
mine are about 1cm if that and they are 3 weeks ( the eldest), dont put him in the big tank yet,if your keeping the tank anyway its not a problem.
thanx Kribensis about the BBS food as i had no idea,mine are doing fine on cushed flakes, but the best start is always a bonus

iuque---- keep us updated on the other fry,and try to get a pic of the lone ranger id love to see him

take care
shelagh xxxxxx
mine are about 1cm if that and they are 3 weeks ( the eldest), dont put him in the big tank yet,if your keeping the tank anyway its not a problem.
thanx Kribensis about the BBS food as i had no idea,mine are doing fine on cushed flakes, but the best start is always a bonus

iuque---- keep us updated on the other fry,and try to get a pic of the lone ranger id love to see him

take care
shelagh xxxxxx

i only have the one single fry :hyper:
thats the real problem because s/he doesnt seem to eat, owell ill keep you updated, thanks everyone

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