Miracle Guppy Fry!


Fish Crazy
Nov 25, 2013
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Okay so about 2 weeks ago I was cleaning my guppy/molly fry tank and I noticed a little guppy with a messed up spine lying in the corner. His spine was shaped like this  \__ (the arrow sticking up represents his tail) My first thought was he is dead and I went over with the tube to suck him up but he saw me and swam away....... he looked like he was in pain and I didn't need a guppy with a messed up spine so I scooped him up with a net and put him in the tank with the big fish expecting him to 1. be eaten 2. die. well that wasn't the case. I hadn't seen him since that day and just assumed he was eaten. Now to the strange part when I woke up this morning I walked over to my tanks and started turning on the lights and feeding them. I always do a count to make sure none of the fish died over the night. I had all the platys counted and when I counted the guppies I found that I had an extra one! Now I know what you're going to say it was a fry that I missed and it just grew up in the tank.......well that's not the case this fish had the same pattern of the fry with the messed up spine..... but the only difference was his spine wasn't messed up. How is that even possible!!!!! a fry with a messed up spine magically fixed itself? any ideas how this happened?
Maybe he had a cramp...

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