Minor Betta Prob


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Bournemouth, Southern England.
my brother gave me four females from lfs now 1 seems to be very aggresive so i put it into a breeder trap in my comm tank,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all females have small vents where as this 1 has long vents white at base,,,,,,it has a white spot at base of fish,,,,,,,,they were very young when he got them,,,,,,,,in this comm tank are two dwarf gouramis will that be a prob if i leave it to swim free in tank?


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Sounds like you may have a male betta, if you bought them very young then it is easily understandable that the sexes were confused.

Have you any photo's ?
Yep sounds like a male!! I had that problem i picked one from the lfs out of the female tank because it fins were all flared & looked nice. Got it home last week & its built 3 bubblenests in total!! :lol:
my brother also had same problem he has his now in community tank with 2 angels 3 xray tetras 2 rams 2 platys with no problems............im just worried about gouramis for conflict in my tank.........thanks for replying try to get photo soon
Yep, sounds/looks like male to me! When they're younger, they're hard to sex. Cute betta though. Just get him his own one gallon and use some BettaFix or something and some aquarium salt to heal up those fins. :thumbs:

ps- just re-read your post. I wouldn't advise having bettas in with gouramis as I've heard they can be kinda nippy and bossy about they're territory and Bettas definately are territorial. And about the white spot, I have two males that have an itty bitty tiny winy little white spot, but a females is more protruding and noticeable. Besides, if he's being aggressive, I think he pretty much needs to be by himself, male or female.

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