Minimum Tiger Barb Tank Size?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 21, 2009
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I want to get a small tank for my desk - I was thinking 20 Litres (seen a couple in my LFS that i like) - and would love to put maybe 5-6 Tiger barbs in it...

if so, would this tank be okay? could i have sand and like canyon effecty rocks - and do i need plants (if so which ones?)

Thanks :good:
I want to get a small tank for my desk - I was thinking 20 Litres (seen a couple in my LFS that i like) - and would love to put maybe 5-6 Tiger barbs in it...

if so, would this tank be okay? could i have sand and like canyon effecty rocks - and do i need plants (if so which ones?)

Thanks :good:

NO way!!! tiger barbs need about 120 litres minimum, that tank would be good for:
a male betta or a female betta not both one or the other
nano community fish such as micro rasboras or ember tetras
or one dwarf puffer fish 1!! but a heavily planted and interesting tank is good for one of these as they are very intelligent fish that become bored very easily and will watch what your doing! :lol: as you move they move such inquisitive little creatures! and they only eat live or frozen foods so no flakes or pellets

and if you want plants we need to know what lighting will go over it
Yeah I pretty much concur with what the previous poster has just said. Tiger barbs can reach about 3" long and over 1" deep when adults. 20 litres is completely unrealistic.
I thoroughly recommend this website to check out basic information on loads of different species:
Fish in your lfs will look tiny to start off with, but most of them are still babies and have plenty of growing to do. The above website will give you the chance to double-check what sort of size the fish you like will reach, the type of water they like and it will give you various accounts of people's experiences with those species.

EDIT: Also... the more rocks you add to a tank the more water is displaced. Which means that a 20 litre tank will actually have much less than 20 litres of water in it. So the water quality can go downhill a lot easier than you might think.
Okay dokey - thanks all!

I was aiming for a Betta tank, but then fell in love with the tiger barbs in my LFS - but if it's unrealistic I'll just stick with the idea of a male betta and 2-3 cories - still look great, and be nice and active for my desk.

Maybe I'll convert my 70litre into a Tiger Barb species tank when i get a bigger one at some point.. haha

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