Minimum Tank Size?


Jul 21, 2011
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What is the minimum size tank for any kind of puffer, except dwarf. Would a 10 gallon be able to house one? Are there any COMMONLY SOLD freshwater puffers that can be in a 10 gallon? Or do I need at least 15? I know that the tank needs to be extremely well cycled as well. I was hoping to get a figure 8 or maybe a GSP. Would one quickly outgrow a 10 gallon? Can I keep them with any other fish?
There are tons of fresh water puffers out there. And some of them get pretty freaking big, so saying minimum tank size for any fresh water puffer is asking how long a piece of string is. But I believe both figure 8 puffers and green spotted puffers are brackish water.

Figure 8 puffers should get about a 15-20 gallons, and green spotted puffers I think are more like 30 gallons.

Puffers also tend to be aggressive, and carnivorous, and their beak can leave a nasty bite to other fish, so tank mates are a no-no.
Either of the dwarf puffers, Carinotetraodon travancoricus or Carinotetraodon imitator, would be well suited to a 10 gallon aquarium.

But no, none of the others makes sense in such a tank. It would be possible to keep a single Carinotetraodon irrubesco in 10 gallons, but from personal experience they are extremely shy and nervous in such small tanks, so clearly don't like them. Similarly, things like Tetraodon cutcutia and Tetraodon erythrotaenia may be right sort of size, but their temperaments dictate the need for bigger tanks, at least 15 gallons, and realistically, 20 gallons or more.

Cheers, Neale
Thanks. Looks like I won't be getting one for a while then.

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