Minimum Tank Size

found some info on the Apistogramma

copied from here theres more info on there aswell

The aquarium
Apistogrammas are small and can be housed in small aquariums, but only if you are skilled enough to keep the water quality up. Since keeping a good and stable water quality can be tricky in small aquarium, it is advisable to house your Apistogramma cichlids in a medium sized aquarium unless you really know what you’re doing. If keeping the water quality up is no problem for you, a group of 6-8 Apistogramma cichlids can be housed in a 10 gallon aquarium. In addition to adequate filtration and regular water changes, a few scavengers, e.g. small Cory catfish, will help you with the water quality.

Apistogramma cichlids will not feel safe in a barren aquarium and the breeding aquarium should therefore contain caves/crevices and overhanging plants. Floating plants are also appreciated. Add a sinking or floating mop that will serve as spawning mop. There should also one or several small (roughly 3 inches) up-side-down flowerpots in the aquarium. Each Apistogramma must be given their own flowerpot, so the number of flowerpots will depend on how many specimens you keep together.
sorry im no good at conversions, is 70 litres ok?

70l is 15.4 Imperial gallons or 18.4 US. Should be fine. If you ever need to find it out, just type into google xxlitres to UK (or US) gallons - has an automatic converter.
Yep rekord 70 would be fine and it depends on how many you were planning on putting in as to whether you should have any other fish with them. If you are planning on breeding, then I would say no.

Edit: Doh, a trio, ok, then you could have a small shoal of rasboras, or some pygmy corys maybe?
would a juwel rekord 70 be alright? would you put in anything else in with the cockatoos?

70L is 18USG which IMO is about right for apistos, (definitely wouldn't go lower)

I would personally keep in with the SA theme and go for something like cardinals, otos and, as said above, one of the pygmy Cory species.

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