Minimum Tank Size For Breeding Harlequin Rasbora


Jan 21, 2008
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all in the title really what is the minimum tank size and is there anything special you have to do with them or is it easy???
if they are hard to breed are cardinal tetra or black neon tetra any easier
all in the title really what is the minimum tank size and is there anything special you have to do with them or is it easy???
if they are hard to breed are cardinal tetra or black neon tetra any easier

they can be quite hard to breed

they deposit there eggs under leaves

at 20-30litre wud be fine
Harlequins are easier to breed than cardinal or black neon tetras.

Just set up a 2ft tank with some broad leaf plants in, (Swordplants are ideal). Have a filter and heater and introduce a group of them. Feed them and do regular water changes and wait.
If you don't want to wait then separate males and females for about 5 days. Then put them in the tank together in the evening. The following morning they should breed. Males are usually smaller and slimmer than females.

edited to add they do best in soft slightly acid water.

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