Minimum Size Tank For Common Plecos


Sep 3, 2005
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What would you say would be the minimum size tank for a common pleco with other fish like tetras?
6x2x2 if the beastie gets to 18"

commons are normally about 12" so a 4x2x2 would be nice :)
Well I have a 4'x2'x2' (55g) so if my common ever dies I'll get a new one and it will actually get bigger than mine which has been around 4"-5" since I've gotten have (2 years ago).
Well I have a 4'x2'x2' (55g) so if my common ever dies I'll get a new one and it will actually get bigger than mine which has been around 4"-5" since I've gotten have (2 years ago).

a 4x2x2 is actually a 120us gal....
Oh opps I mean its 4' long x 1' 9" tall x 1' 1" wide its got some wierd measurements. So a 55g isn't big enough for a common pleco?
not really if you think about it - your tank is the same width as a full grown one will be long... it wont be able to swim about easily

Ours is in a 100gal. Its a corner tank so there are no narrow dimensions.
Its 3ft x 3ft with a bow across a 4ft front... so there is plenty of swimming room.
not really if you think about it - your tank is the same width as a full grown one will be long... it wont be able to swim about easily

Ours is in a 100gal. Its a corner tank so there are no narrow dimensions.
Its 3ft x 3ft with a bow across a 4ft front... so there is plenty of swimming room.

Well if your talking about your Trigon 350 its actually 76.989 imperial gallons or 92.487 US gallons if you work it out on here just though i'd mention it as people always have a moan if i say my Rio 400 is 100 gallons when its actually 87.988 imperial or 105.70 US

not really if you think about it - your tank is the same width as a full grown one will be long... it wont be able to swim about easily

Ours is in a 100gal. Its a corner tank so there are no narrow dimensions.
Its 3ft x 3ft with a bow across a 4ft front... so there is plenty of swimming room.

Well if your talking about your Trigon 350 its actually 76.989 imperial gallons or 92.487 US gallons if you work it out on here just though i'd mention it as people always have a moan if i say my Rio 400 is 100 gallons when its actually 87.988 imperial or 105.70 US


good grief.... :blink:

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