Minibow opinions


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Madison area, Wisconsin USA
I've got two bettas in my kitchen, one in a 1.6 gal hex tank, one in a 2.5 g rectangular tank. No filters or airstones, no heaters, the temp stays around 76-78...and they are active and healthy.

However, after hearing of BettaMomma's purchasing of a minibow and putting two of her boys in one, I'm considering it. Maybe Mr. Ferocious is just really a pig, but his tank gets real green and nasty quite quickly....

Do you like them? Do they make solid partitions for them? And do you use the filers? Momma, I know you don' you like this setup? I change water in both tanks, one after another, and the one gets noticably gross where the other does not. Again, my CT (Mr. Ferocious) lives up to his name...he's all attitude. Maybe he's making a statement by being quite a dirty

Thanks for any input on minibows...I've never had, nor looked at one.
I notice with my boys some are messier than others... I dont have a anwser to your other question though.. :)
Th people wh make minibow are crazy! They sell 2 and they are exactly alike One is 19.99 and the other 25.99. The only noticable diff between them to me is the box... What's up with that?

Both of the above aree for 2.5 gallons. I suggest getting a 5g for 31 dollars at Kmart! It comes with decor! (only things you need to buy is gravel and conditioner, and food.)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE minibows.
Just did a water change on 2 of em - Jack's and the split one.
As far as the dividers, the one that comes with the tank isn't enough to use alone. Not only does it not fit quite snugly, but they can see each other and it would be torture on them if left with just that. But with some plastic craft canvas creatively cut, it's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me since I drank my first beer. :)

With the 2 boys in one tank, I do water changes for them about every 4-5 days. They're not all that messy - so they don't need all that much changing out. Other boys I have are MUCH more messy. It just depends on the fish. And after having met Mr. F, it doesn't surprise me that he makes a big mess - probably just to satisfy himself that HE owns YOU rather than the other way around.

They're VERY easy to clean - I just scoop out my fish(es) and set them aside, then take out the decor, put that on a paper towel, and dump the rest of the water out. I wipe off all the sides of the aquarium, then rinse the gravel with scalding hot water about 4 or 5 times, swish it all around good, dump it out, run cool water over the gravel to cool it back off (we don't need any burned fins, you know lol) then I rinse off all the decorations and put them back in - rearranged, of course, for entertainment purposes. Then I use my PUR filtered water and fill'er back up. I still dechlorinate as usual, even tho the filter says it removes chlorine. With as many 100% water changes as I've done I can match any temp that I took the fish out of. That doesn't take long for any 100% changer to become a master at.

With minibows, IF you need a heater, you can use a 25watter and it will be fine.

Have I mentioned how much I love Minibows? :wub:
yes you have...

On the walmart site, they have a minbow 2.5 for 25.99 and a 2.5 for 19.99. But in the store, they charge the same. Hmmm... I wonder about that. I wish id gotten a minibow 5.0, but they're so expensive, and they only had a purple one! i got a tall 5g from kmart for 34 dollars. and I like it, except the fact its tall :/ . I wanted a hex, but yuou gotta get what you can afford... I plan to get my girl one, but right now the bank's hurtin. Did i tell y'all that I spent over 200 dollars in one month on nothing but fish, and that wasn't even the month i bought a $150 tank :eek: ... :S

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