Mini Moth Catfish (Asian Stone Catfish)


Fish Crazy
Nov 21, 2010
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I was looking for bottom dwelling options for a 10 gallon tank. I would like to avoid cory cats just because I have them in my big tank and I wanted something different. I came across mini moth catfish and was wondering if anything has experience with them? From my reading they do prefer a group, but I wasn't sure if that meant 3 fish or 8 like a proper shoal. Do they seem hardy? I have sand and the tank is heavily planted.
3 or 4 are a good number, great little catfish. Not to sure on how hardy they are as I have heard conflicting reports so be careful - make sure you have a sandy substrate for them though as they like to bury them selves.

3 or 4 are a good number, great little catfish. Not to sure on how hardy they are as I have heard conflicting reports so be careful - make sure you have a sandy substrate for them though as they like to bury them selves.


I really like their look...a little more 'ancient' appearing than cory cats. I do have sand, so no problem there. :) Have you kept them yourself?
I have some 'Giant Moth Cats' (Erethistes pusillus), and these do well with a sandy substrate, not too strong a current and leaf litter to allow them to hunt through looking for food. For the moth cats, I'd suggest bloodworm, brineshrimp and daphnia (live and frozen) and they should be kept with species that won't out-compete them for food.

I have some 'Giant Moth Cats' (Erethistes pusillus), and these do well with a sandy substrate, not too strong a current and leaf litter to allow them to hunt through looking for food. For the moth cats, I'd suggest bloodworm, brineshrimp and daphnia (live and frozen) and they should be kept with species that won't out-compete them for food.


Thank you for the info! They'd be with a male betta and micro rasboras, so they would be the only bottom feeders.
Micro rasboras would be perfect companions, but would suggest you keep an eye on the betta initially to make sure it doesn't bother the cats. It'll probably be fine, but just to be sure...

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