Mini Cycle?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
Help! I just did some water tests today and I did not like the results!

I saw ammonia at 2.0 ppm nitrite at 2.0 ppm and nitrate at 0

I have an older liquid drop test kit not sure how old it is, but I have used it before and all of my levels were perfect a couple weeks ago.

I just added a swordtail and a whole lot of plants. I stirred up the substrate a lot (sand) would this have anything to do with it?

I just did a 60% water change.

Anymore suggestions?

Also I was wondering if maybe my tank is overstocked?

It is a 75 gallon and is stocked with

2 angels
1 gold gourami
1 honey gourami
3 german blue rams
6 black skirt tetras
1 red tail shark
7 swordtails

I have been wanting to ditch the tetras, but they are so hard to catch. >.<

Could it be that I added so many plants? I am so confused! I have never had anything like this happen before.

My tank has been up and running for a good 4 months now and was completely cycled before I added any fish.
More than likely you either kicked up some stuff from the sand, or some of the plants are melting back.
I'd check the stats after the water change, and do another, if the levels are still high (>0.25ppm).  Things should sort out again soon...
I was going to ask if you messed with the substrate then read that you did. This would be my first guess. My second would be a testing error.
Okay so should I wait until tomorrow to test the water? or should I test it later tonight?

yeah I recently cleaned the tank and moved some things around and planted a lot of new plants.
I'd test now...  And test your tap water to get a baseline.  A bad test is possible.
I'd relax and let the bacteria take over.  Maybe add an airstone if you have one available.  If not, just cause a touch more splashing to the surface to increase the oxygen in the tank.
Sounds like it just had an ammonia spike and it should be okay. You did a big water change which is what I would have suggested anyway.
Right now I have two filters running and lowered the water level a bit to create more oxygen in the water. Hopefully things will look better tomorrow! thanks!
Let us know! I hope it all goes well for you.

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