I have built a small tank (30cm/21cm/50cm) and would like to use mini lighting in it (8in max) but cannot find a uk supplier .
can some one point me to a source please
Well i got a tank for my bettas and couldn't find affordable small lighting anywhere, so i thought i would try the moonlight system but using white cold cathodes insted of the blue and it works a treat, i'm just waiting for my mylar to come so i can make some reflectors to make it abit brighter
heres the link don't know if it will help http/www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/in...subcat_uid=1294
Pets at home does a small light, its about 5 inches (?) long, has a reflector and is 15W. You need to drill a couple of holes in the hood, but shouldn't be too hard.