minght be getting hermit crabs


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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tell me everything you know about them.
They're great pets!!!! Despite the name HERMIT crabs, they are social creatures. So I would get at least 2 of similar size. They can live up to 10 years and get really big! A 10 gallon would be the best thing for them but a 5 gallon or a Critter Keeper(plastic thingy) would work too. They need a couple inches of sand as substrate, not gravel. They need to be able to bury themselves when they molt. They like to climb and hide so you could get some cool decorations. For water, they need a dish with a wet natural sponge in it(using de-chlorinator of course) and another dish of hermit crab food(pellets or meal or a mix). Hermit crabs like humidity so spray the sides of the tank twic a day. Also necessary is a good selection of extra shells of different sizes for them to change into when they grow. They can be very picky about they're new homes. But they will also change shells just to clean out their original shell and they go right back in! They're funny little guys. You can hold them but don't drop them. And they might pinch! So try to keep your hand flat so they have no skin to grab. Hope this helps!! :D
thats great information, thanks!

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