Millenium Rainbows


New Member
Mar 26, 2006
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Just picked up 3 pair of adult millenium rainbows from a local reputable fish store.All fish are healthy and housed temporarily in 65 gallon...soon to a 100 gallon.I've had them a week now and they're still extremely skittish..unlike any rainbows I've previously owned.I threw in about a dozen 1 inch bicolor 500 cichlids.This has helped to settle them down a bit.Anyways...I can only get them to eat bloodworms and brineshrimp.I want to get them also on a good pellet or flake.I've tried several times but they either chew and spit or don't bother with it at all.I don't like feeding just bloodworms and brineshrimp.I'd rather a good flake as a staple supplemented with feedings of shrimp(mysis and brine)..bloodworms...pinhead crickets..krill...just an overall good varied diet.How do you get them on just a mainstay of flake/pellet??I've never had this problem with any species of rainbow before.They were all actually hogs when it came to eating...anything and everything.Do I starve them for a while???The only thing that comes from trying to feed them flake/pellet is a tank bottom covered with uneaten food.....aaarg...Any suggestions appreciated...
I have never heard of a millenium rainbow fish, and I am struggling to find any information on the net with regards to them.

Do you have a latin name for the species? Can you post a picture of what it looks like? I am no expert, but I feel other people might be more able to help if they knew what specific species this was.
I have never heard of a millenium rainbow fish, and I am struggling to find any information on the net with regards to them.

Do you have a latin name for the species? Can you post a picture of what it looks like? I am no expert, but I feel other people might be more able to help if they knew what specific species this was.

Species name is Glossolepis pseudoincisus.

Cool, least now I learned something from this thread :)

Pretty fish, but I prefer the melanotaenia parva.

What does the cf mean?
cf. means similar to
so G cf. pseudoincisus is similar to G. pseudoincisus
that is to say at this moment in time there is not enough scientific info on the
fish but it has been obseverd to be very much like the other.
I was tempted to get a few of those. :) :)
They were sold as red rainbows and quite expensive.The guy working there told me they won't eat flake food which is why i didn't get any.

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