Milk Spotted Puffers


Jan 29, 2008
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Hey guys!

Haven't been on here in a while...

Well, I'm from Australia and am looking at getting a Milk Spotted Puffer. I've done a quick search on them, but all the information is different than another page! It's so confusing!!! :blink:

I figured someone in the 'Oddball' section would know a little about them and could help me out?

I just want to know EVERYTHING about them!!!

Thanks! :good:
I love puffs but still only learning myself. A recommended source is:


That is a direct link to the Pufferforum, to the library page about Milk Spotteds.

If you post on the forum there are many experts that can give you some more detail of their own experiences with these cute puffs.

here is a relatively recent topic started on them:

Hope this helps!
Milk Spotted Pufferfish, Chelonodon patoca

Distinguishing features: This fish is milk-white underneath with white spots and stripes on the top. There are also a few black, saddle-like marks on the back as well, particularly on the back half of the animal.

Although not a commonly seen species, the Asian and Australian milk spotted pufferfish is definitely worth looking out for if you want a robust, peaceful pufferfish for a big brackish water community tank. It would make an ideal companion for a school of scats and monos, posing no threat to such large, fast moving species. The milk spotted pufferfish could also work well with a small group of Colombian shark catfish. Even though it is sold as a freshwater or brackish water fish, this species will also thrive in a marine aquarium.

In many regards this fish is a lot like the South American pufferfish: it grows to about the same size, will only take live foods, and tends to be a bit nervous in captivity, at least to begin with. Also like the South American pufferfish, in a big enough aquarium a small group can be kept without problems.

Quote is taken from here and was written by Neale Monks

The article of mine quoted above is actually quite old; for my latest thoughts on Chelonodon puffers, you'd do best reading my web site, here:

In any case, Chelonodon are hardy and peaceful towards one another. They're brackish/marine puffers. They are very rarely traded, and until the last couple of years, all the reports I'd heard/read suggested they were good in community systems; however, I've heard some less positive reports as well. So while they're still a good choice for a single species tank -- and they look very beautiful! -- don't keep them in a community tank unless you can move them somewhere else if they turn nippy.

Cheers, Neale

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