Milk Snake Has Mites


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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I noticed my milk snake for 2 days straight was submerged in his water bowl and sure enough he had mites! I took everything out of his cage: bedding decor plants. I cleaned his tank. I sprayed him and the cage with the natural chemistry mite spray. I put paper towel down put him back in with a water bowl. It's been a day, how long should I wait before re treating him and the cage? How long does it take to rid of the mites?
id never had them before till my new albino boa had them a week ago not long after I bought him, Ive done the same stripped everything and sprayed his viv, Its been a week now and I'll do it again today as Ive noticed more smaller mites on him
He also hasn't eaten in a week could I feed him during treatment? He's a year old feeding him pinkies how long can he wait before eating?

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