Fish Crazy
well when i first got my green star polyps i had mounted them on a rock. they are the regular, bigger green stars. then after a while i got some flourescent green stars which are alot smaller in size. i mounted it right across from the bigger stars. so they are both on the same rock. well i sat down this morning and looked at the tank, well it kinda just hit me. they have both grown alot and theres a couple polyps that can touch each other.
so my question, will these two types of green stars live together without hurting each other, or did i make a noob mistake when i mounted them and i should try to remove one of them and place on another rock?
so my question, will these two types of green stars live together without hurting each other, or did i make a noob mistake when i mounted them and i should try to remove one of them and place on another rock?