Might Have Done Something Stupid


Fish Crazy
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX, USA
well when i first got my green star polyps i had mounted them on a rock. they are the regular, bigger green stars. then after a while i got some flourescent green stars which are alot smaller in size. i mounted it right across from the bigger stars. so they are both on the same rock. well i sat down this morning and looked at the tank, well it kinda just hit me. they have both grown alot and theres a couple polyps that can touch each other.

so my question, will these two types of green stars live together without hurting each other, or did i make a noob mistake when i mounted them and i should try to remove one of them and place on another rock?

Yea im sure they will be fine as I have seen other people's tanks with them growing amogst each other and the 2 greens really contrast each other and bring each other out! ;)
oh and also one more thing. i have another rock that i have some cloves on. then one of my xenia expanded to that rock, and they are right near each other as well. same thing with them? can i keep them there?
Softies do not have the stinging power most stonies have. They instead took the route of competition via chemical warfare. They cannot sting other corals in most cases, but for the same reason they aren't usually recommended in tanks where delicate stonies are kept.
Question for ya Demm, did you have the two different types of stars or did the other kind just form on its own? I have a rock with the larger stars on it and little patches of the smaller, more curly, less colorful ones are coming up around it.
no i actually had 2 different types that were given to me. and i figured stars are stars, i'll put them on opposite ends, why not.

the xenia and the cloves seem to be doing fine together the way i see them. they are hiding from each other and they both look happy, as if they werent even next to each other.
Certain corals are know to have stinging tentacles and can attack others but the rest seem to be fine living closely with others!
Yup, GSP do not really sting any other corals. They can however overgrow weak SPS that can't defend themselves like weeds. Literally suffocating the SPS. LPS could care less, they just sting the stars and kill them :)
muahahahahaha, get the really agressive ones like torches and frogspawn and bubble, call them your royal guard.....
lol already have a torch and a frogspawn, but they are at the other end of the tank :( but next time i go out and get some corals i'll make sure to place them in strategic locations around the tank lol

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