Might Get An Open Topped Tank (pretty Cool Tank)


Fish Herder
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Wiltshire, England
Hey guys, as the title says really.

I might get a (rough guess) 24 x 24 x 8 tank.
Basically a shallow square :look:

I was thinking about hermits, fiddlers, or redclaws.
The crab idea seemed pretty cool.

The only problem is that the tank has no lid. I know that climbing out ect will be a problem, but I'll get round that :) But,
is there any other potential problems with the open-top style?

So, I'm looking for any advise, opinions or suggestions please :)
Without a lid, I'd have to assume the only way to create a sandbed would have to be towards the middle, which likely wouldn't be enough space for the redclaw/fiddler. Hermits could be workable, though humidity might be tricky.

If you can get it some light, an emersed planted setup with small fish (endlers, microrasboras, etc) would be something.
If you add some sort of top to it, a fiddler would work good. It could be mesh, a piece of plywood... whatever. Just something to make sure he can't leave.
The planted fish tank idea sounds cool, too... very cool. A clip-on or stand alone lamp with a flourescent bulb should be enough to have at least the lower-light plants (java ferns, java moss, crypts, etc.).
Cheers for the replys guys.

I really want some sort of land critter tbh. I just don't see the idea of the planted route :huh:

The tank is going to be viewed from above mainly, so I carn't see it working (sorry lol).

Why is it I carn't have fiddlers again?

How much sand would they need? depth ect?

I could create an island in the middle for them, pretty deep if needs be. I'll be getting a small desk/flouresnt lamp anyways :good:

Apart from the sand, what else would restrict me from crabs?
Would hermits like the "island"?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm new to crabs ;)
What restricts you from land/semi aquatic critters is that they can climb out of a tank that isn't enclosed.

You can't, in this tank, have crabs, mudskippers, frogs, toads, newts, lizards, snakes, land snails, centipedes, millipedes, or most insects.

Possible animals include turtles, tortoises, scorpions, possibly some tarantulas, and some wingless insects like hissing cockroaches. If the tank has no heating, filters, or anything going vertically, land hermits could work too.

Edit: noticed you said you'd get around the issue. I'm wondering how.
What restricts you from land/semi aquatic critters is that they can climb out of a tank that isn't enclosed.

You can't, in this tank, have crabs, mudskippers, frogs, toads, newts, lizards, snakes, land snails, centipedes, millipedes, or most insects.

Possible animals include turtles, tortoises, scorpions, possibly some tarantulas, and some wingless insects like hissing cockroaches. If the tank has no heating, filters, or anything going vertically, land hermits could work too.

Edit: noticed you said you'd get around the issue. I'm wondering how.

Not meaning to be offencive, but I'll take my advice with a pinch of salt from
someone who reccomends keeping turtles or tortises in this tank :look:

Plus, tarantulas can refuse to eat in big spaces.
Land hermits have just as much ability to climb as any crab too.

I'll get around this by building a DIY hood :fun:
I didn't look at your tank dimensions. :( It of course is far too small for turtles, but I stand by my assertion that turtles and tortoises are some of the only animals that work in open tank in general

And the difference with land hermits isn't they have less of an ability to climb, but that if you don't have a heater or filter wire, they have less traction to escape a tank. By necessity, an aquatic tank will have things a critter can grab a hold of.
I didn't look at your tank dimensions. :( It of course is far too small for turtles, but I stand by my assertion that turtles and tortoises are some of the only animals that work in open tank in general

Thats ok :good:

And the difference with land hermits isn't they have less of an ability to climb, but that if you don't have a heater or filter wire, they have less traction to escape a tank. By necessity, an aquatic tank will have things a critter can grab a hold of.

I'll make sure not to put anything in positions where they can climb out :good:
What kind of DIY hood will you make? An acrylic or glass one? I'd say go for glass, acrylic can warp. Good luck!
Fiddlers can work with a top on it. I have a small cheap submersible heater in my fiddler set-up to keep the water temp stable, and a goose-neck lamp with a flouresecnt bulb for lighting. I have about half the tank sand/pebbles, sloping down to the other half that is water with a piece of driftwood sticking out of it. They are eating well and wave their claws at the fish next door when they get close. Quite humorous!
Fiddlers would work if the sandbed is not towards the middle, since it'd likely be too small that way. With a hood though, you could just build it to a side.
Cheers for the help guys :good:

How deep does the sand need to be then?

And how will I go about making a hood?

CFC said that my best bet would be to get a piece of acrylic from B+Q ect. so that
It can be easily cut round wires/inlets.

Any other advice is great too :)

Thanks again,


EDIT: For crap spelling
Just my $0.02, but...

You could try Redclaw (sesarma sp) or Vampire (geosesarma sp) crabs. They're only small, so you could have a few, and it could be easier to keep them confined. :)
The island idea could work pretty well, as these crabs are semi-aquatic.
As long as there are a couple of inches (width, not really height) that is out of the water then that's what they need. Just a place to get out of the water and walk around a bit. How deep you make it depends a lot on your filter (if you use one). If you don't use a filter than any depth will do, but they may burrow more if it's at least 3-4" deep.
I'd go with an acrylic top, too, if you can. It'd look nicer than a piece of wood, I'm sure. LOL
Thanks again guys :good:

Thats a thought Invader; I'll go with redclaws for the sake of size :nod:

I think I'll easily be able to get a good 4-5" of sand on the island, along with a
few branches of wood.

And yes fishwatcher, I think plastic is better then wood :lol:

Oh, just a quick one, what type of desk lamp am I looking for then?

Argos anyone????

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