Might be able to have a breeding room


Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2004
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Hi all,

My sister moved out our house a few months back and her room isn't being used for anything else but storage, so i might be able to convince my mum and dad to have it as a fish room :hyper:

So.....this leaves me to use as either a fish community room or fish breeding....and i've decided breeding :fun: soOooO

What fish do i breed? i would like to breed Discus, as i imagine that they sell fairly well and they l00k amazing. I have fishie experience and would like to learn the breeding process, i have finances so buying lots of live food and stuff isnt really a problem..
So what should i breed? i wan't to breed something interesting but also sells really easy and "hopefully" to cover some of the hobby costs.

Then it comes to what size tanks do i need? i think i'd need a fairly large tank for the breeding pair? (55 gallons?) if its discus??? or summit smaller if its a smaller fish :p and then two 20-30 gallon grow out tanks? I guess it depends on what fish..... but advice would be appriciated :nod:

(please dont flame that im too much of a nooby to do this, as i know what this forum is like!!!)
Could always breed loaches, which is near impossible. But since I like a good challenge I'm working on it :lol:
Bettas, maybe. You can sell them well, I'd start with some either from bettaman or some from a fishy shop that aren't veiltail (they don't sell as well). You can get a 1 gallon tank from Wilkinsons for £1.35, or a 2 gallon breeding tank (with a removable division if you make one :)) for £5.
(please dont flame that im too much of a nooby to do this, as i know what this forum is like!!!)

dont be rediculous! havent u read, this is the friendliest forum around! :p

or so they say...
Bettas would work but they require alot of work since all the males need to be jarred after a few months and their water has to be changed a few times a week.

If you get 100 males, good luck!! :)

I don't know about breeding Discus though. Research your fish like mad beforeyou give it a go to find out what you need and all

I got a pair of crowntail bettas from bcbetta and plan to breed them in a few weeks. the lfs i always go to is interested in buying them for 5$ each :D

if I get 50 males, that's 250$ in my pockets!!!
Enough cash to start building my barracks to breed more and make even more money!!
Research what sells in you area first. It sucks to be stuck with 100+ fish that no one wants. Discus are tough enough to keep, much less breed. If you have never bred fish before I would start with something a bit easier first. From breeding angels I've found that it takes twice as much time, effort, and tank space as you first planned.

I'd start off with some easy killifish as most LFSs don't usualy stock them and are happy to get something unusual in. Or try rams or similar cichlids. The move on to anabantoids - maybe bettas, but I'd say gouramies is simpler as there's no jarring involved. Then maybe try angels and you can move on to discus after that.
I am currently breeding Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids. It's wonderful to watch the females parade the babies around the tank! There are also no pet stores here that sell them either, so I'm the only one with them.

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