Midnight Catfish Pic


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
I've got 2 of these guys.. They hide all day, but when the lights are off they're on the prowl.

Wow yet another common name for Horabagrus brachysoma :lol:

I hope you have a large tank and big tankmates for these large growing predatory catfish which can reach 18 inches in length and are capable of swallowing fish a third of their length (and prehaps larger) quite easily.
They are lovely fish but their eventual size and predatory nature often takes their keepers by suprise when compared to the tiny 3" fish they purchased originally.
Sorry I'm a common name person.. would never remember scientific names..

Their mouths open quite large... So far I haven't had problems with them tryin to eat anything (I have 2)... I've had them in with small tetras without problems.. Right now they're in a 55g with cichlids.. They're about 5'' now, and I got them when they were about 2''..

Hopefully I'll be able to get a 6ft tank or larger before they get too big, but if they stop growing, I'll definitely give them to the lfs. I don't want to stunt them. The lfs takes everything I give them without question, so I've got a good outlet if fish get too big!

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