Mid To Upper Levels


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have been thinking about getting a small cory only tank, and I want just wondering what others did for the upper levels of their tanks since there isn't much activity up there. I was thinking about putting a few coconut caves in a 10 gallon with sand substrate but I don't want the top to look barren.
I have tall plants and some Black Neon Tetras swimming around the mid and upper levels.
Hi JasonPlus :)

With only a 10 gallon tank, there's not too much you can do. Perhaps a platy for color, or a couple of guppies. If you put in much more, it will to severely limit the number of corys you can accommodate. It would be nice to have an Amazon Sword plant of some other kind of plant too. I don't keep other fish in my 10 gallon cory tanks.

If you were to put up a 20 gallon tank, however, you could have a nicer assortment of corys and a few other fish too. This tank is not only bigger in total volume, but it is 4" higher. While the corys are usually active enough to keep the smaller tank looking busy, with the bigger one, that extra height does tend to look a little empty sometimes. A dwarf gourami and a pair of platys, or a small school of glowlight tetras, or a pair of blind cave fish would be nice. If your filter doesn't make too much current, you could add some floating plants and keep a betta instead. :D
Thanks Inchworm, you always have such detailed replies and it really helps alot. I am well aware of how small the tank actually is, but since I'm getting it for free I still want to use it as best I can. I'd like to keep it as simple as I can so that there is less room for error. Perhaps I could just stick with the cories and try for a planted tank?
Hi JasonPlus :)

Corys do need some bottom space, so I wouldn't make it densely planted. What kind of corys were you thinking about getting? That might make a difference in what you decide to do. :unsure:
I'd like to get smaller ones so I can have as many as possible, I loved watching them shoal on the bottom of the tank at my lps. I was thinking C. habrosus or C. metae

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