Mid-level schooling type fish


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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Redoing thirty gallon (again lol). I have, 1 male bristlenose. Want to get about six marble hatchets and a pair of blue rams. Now, I need something for the middle of the tank, because, well, (yeah, I know) the tank is two feet high, so I need something schooling in the middle so the tank doesn't look freaky. I was thinking tetras, but then.... I dunno. I saw some rasbora hets at the store, thought they looked sorta neat (although they were very little) but....

I just want something that will look good with black gravel and background, won't be nippy, will school, and will stay in the mid to very slightly upper levels of the tank. I'm open to suggestions, so long as it fits the profile. Color is good as well.

Thanks for putting up with me yet again :look:
I was thinking about them, they're one of the cheaper ones around here at $1.66, but I was also thinking maybe a couple of glass catfish would look neat. I imagine anything I get will eat ram fry.... Course I'd imagine the rams would protect the fry.... maybe dwarf rainbows would work..... I just seem to see a lot of tetras hanging out near the bottom...
Congo or Lemon Tetra's are pretty! Congo Tetra's are mid to upper levels and most other tetra's seem to swim on all levels.
A a school of Rummynose/Firehead Tetras! They'll get along fine with your current fish and are one of the tightest schooling fish around. Gentle yet active. Quite beautiful too IMO.
cardinals are very peaceful and beautiful, although they might be difficult to cater to. Harlequins rasboras are great fish, (note: reffering to responses in this forum). They are hardier and although small, they look very nice in a large skool. THATS THE GreATNESS OF TETRAS !
as for congos, i have a skool of 10 ! also make sure that if your going for color, go for MALE congos only. They get pretty big for tetras and love all types of food. They even eat wafers i drop for my pictus ! :crazy:
What about Danios if you are worried about the Ram's eggs getting eaten? Danios have smallish mouths and a school of them can look nice, especially the leopard ones. Guppies can also look ok if you get a few of them and add colour and movement. They also breed like rabbits, providing fry for either sale or extra food (Sorry guppy lovers out there, but let's face it, most will be eaten unless seperated regardless of if you want them to be or not).
I like the suggestion of rummynose tetras - even a small group will shoal unlike some other tetras like neons etc.

I just got some Torpedo Barbs and they are awesome. Always active and have stunning colour. Only downside is the price but IMO it's well worth it.
torpedo's need to be in a group of 6 or more really and a 30 gallon would be too small.
I'd recommend Threadfin/Featherfin Rainbows. They're an interesting little fish, school nicely. They are bit more pricey than a neon or a rasbora, but well worth it. I have a school of 8 (males and females) in with my Marble Hatchetfish. The rainbows fill up the mid-level nicely. They aren't the most colorful of fish, but they're finnage is so different, and when the males begin to "flare" its interesting to watch.
I'd reccommend long finned black tetras because they are schooling and they stay to the top to the middle of the tank ( if you have lots and lots of tall plants so they feel more sercure. And you could get 6 to 8 of them.
Hmm, never saw some these fish before, have to check them out. As it is, I have a twenty gallon that is going to be a grow-out tank for the rams when they are big enough, it's going to have all my guppies as well (live food). I'll check these out. Thanks again.
Hiya, I must admit I'm a tetra girl. I have cardinals and diamond tetras who shoal in a pretty way. The diamonds are ALWAYS hungry! My red eye tetras used to shoal but they are feeling brave now so don't stick together so much - which is a shame really. I think they have bags of character.


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