Microglanis Ihrengi


May 14, 2004
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We had four Microglanis Ihrengi in our tank 3 adults and one baby. the largest of the four died last night, :-( over the past week at least he look extremely bloated when we first had him which was only a month ago from Tri Mar he was very slim.
Last night he was out and about while the lights were on (which is strange for microglanis!!) he was bloated and not swimming very well and had a strange protrusion coming form the anal area. Has any one got any ideas what this was? I'm worried about the other three microglanis!
I also have a group of Microglanis iheringi from TriMar. It's possible the fish could be swelling from damage caused by an internal problem. Are any of the other fish showing any signs/symptoms similar to this one?
I have one of these and its very very rare that i see him, he also looks a bit bloated but i have had him about a year and seems ok. just worried that i NEVER see him, i used to see him at night but he doesnt come out at all, the only reason i know he is still alive is because i cleaned the gravel and he came out of his hiding palce to sit next to my plec (for protection) but went stragiht back when i had finshed.

He's really shy, is this normal?

Well we have seen the other fish (now and again) and they seem fine at the moment I just hope what he had wasn't contagious!! He was the biggest microglanis we'd seen (4inches) :hyper: i wonder whether it was a bit of old age as well ! I'll keep a close eye on the other microglanis ( Which will be hard considering they always hide!!) and make sure they don't have problems !!
Just upset now since we only had him since June. :-( Hope hes having fun hiding in dark holes of fishtank heaven!

how may microglanis do you have ryan? Aren't they just great fish!!

Emz microglanis are very very shy !! When they are young they will come out for food at night but as they older they seem to hide more. To be honest its very hard to see them eat. A lot of the time i think they wait for food to float past them instead of coming out for it :flex:
Its very rare to see any of my five, and I mean very rare but from time to time they appear in the tank especailly when bloodworms is about. Mine are still quite small at about 2". :)

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