Hi guys! A restaurant serves their poke in plastic orbs which you can take home (see picture). I’m looking for ideas for how to plant it, what to use, and if I could stock with some sort of isopod. Ideas?
anything small enough to fit in there would work.Are there any ferns that would work
Is it closed? if it is closed than it is high humidity because little water escapesIt wouldn’t be high humidity, just a spray every day or so. What terrarium ferns.
closed. Will these ferns grow to big? Will they need trimming? Any kind of small ivy-vine-like plants?Is it closed? if it is closed than it is high humidity because little water escapes
terrarium ferns include pacific maidenhair, not really a fern, but asparagus fern/ever green mini asparagus, lemon button, many types of bolbitis ferns