Micro Bubbles On Green Hair Algae!

Dec 26, 2010
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Hi, for those of you that have read my journel so far will know about my insane algae problem. After scrubbing the majority of it off and adding a few new additions to the tank, my algae which had started to grow back has now seemed to slow down its growth over the past couple of days and I am now getting loads of tiny micro bubbles sitting on top of the algae but no where else in the tank. [To combat the algae, so far I have reduced the lighting from 12 hours [yes I know too long] to 6 hours and I have temporarily reduced feeding by half.

Is the bubbles a good sign or bad sign!.....Anyone!

My coraline algae tho is growing really well. Almost 50% of the rock is covered by it so far and its coming on fast!
Agree with Ozzie, Nitrate bubbles, increase flow to the area and they will disappear

Seffie x

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