Mg And White Spawn


Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2007
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Well I decided to try spawning Whip, my mg male with my white girl Princess, because Whip has been beaten up so bad in previous spawns and Princess is my best and most gentle spawning female. I figured it may take Whip one or two spawns till he gets his spawning and parenting act together and I would rather him learn with a female that I am pretty sure wont kill him, even if she does not match color wise. I set up the tank a few days ago, got whip all settled and last night I put Princess in the chimney, this morning I released her and within 2 hours they were spawning, still at it in fact.

I stole a few eggs because I have so many lost spawns, seperated the stolen eggs into 3 seperate tupperwares and they are floating in the far side of the tank, I am letting Whip parent all the rest of they eggs that they have, which so far looks like a lot. He had built a little nest under the foam cups, but during spawning he has been making another nest under the ial.

woohoo eggys!

heres Whip

heres Princess

Whip picking up eggs off the floor

Whip catching eggs
OOOO Whip and Princess are gorgeous!!! I can't wait to see what the babies look like! That's gonna be some interesting colors in there I bet
well whip is still taking care of his eggys, but has made several small bubble nests all over the tank and stuck two or three eggs in each one. odd little fishy.

I am gonna come out with some interesting colors arnt I :) Princess's last spawn was mostly all the color of the father, forest green with one or two a very pale color green.
so far it has been 5 days and only one egg hatched and it died before it made it to the free swimming stage. I am guess that the rest are not going to hatch at this point, though they looked like they were going to...developed tiny black dots in them.

why would I have eggs that dont hatch? they dont look fungused :(
well havent been on in a few days due to internet issues.

I am guessing that Whip was not wrapping just right- was his first good spawn, and most of the eggs dident get fertlized. I though it might take a spawn or to till he gets his spawning and parenting act together.

as of today 7 more days till I can try him and princess again, as I had kept right on conditioning them after the spawn.
Good luck with your next go.....definately worth putting them back would be such a waste to not have babies from them.

In one of our recent spawns the eggs in the tub hatched fine and were free swimming in no time but the ones that hatched under the nest seemed to all die off before they could swim. It was really weird that they just seemed to be dropping for no reason. It seems that every spawn has it's different issues so you never know quite what's going to happen :crazy:
hay id like to try simese fighter breeding how hard is it and what do i need apart from a tank and what size would be best

also well i have had 2x plain blue ones but both died of dropsy (i had them seperate not together ) when the first died i got another .why was that well maybe i was a baby at keeping fish then and new nothing well i still dont about these fighter fish so a bit of light would be good thanks :shout:
the best advice i can give on breeding is Research ALOT! i have kept bettas a few years and only now am i attempting to breed
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