Methylene Blue, other uses.


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2003
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While reading one of the assignments for my biology class, I stumbled across something. I was reading about some blue skinned people in Appalachia. Apparently there is a genetic defect where the hemoglobin molecule contains Fe 3+ instead of Fe 2+. The disorder is called methemoglobinemia. You could also get it though excessive nitrite intake. Well anyway, I continued reading, and its curable, by treating with small doses of methylene blue!!!! Apparently is helps an enzyme produce normal hemoglobin.

So can methylene blue kill parasites and make enzymes produce normal hemoglobin or did I misread something? It seems awful weird to me.

Has anyone else heard of this?
Thats a new one to me. One thing I do know is that if you take meth blue in pill form you pee blue for a day or two.
In marine tanks, methylene blue is a good tool in fighting parasites. It's mixed with freshwater to create a dip for the sick fishies. Maybe it can be used in freshwater as well? I'd like to know.

One thing I do know is that if you take meth blue in pill form you pee blue for a day or two.

Meth. Blue and another dye, BromoPhenol Green both dramatically colour urine. This fact was, and probably still is used in primitive cultures where people say the "medicine man" says they are possessed by evil spirits etc., when to the medical practioner, they are clearly suffering from some treatable disease.

The medication given cures the disease, and the dye is included to provide visual evidence to the sufferer of the "passing" of the evil.

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