Metal Tank Stands


Fish Addict
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
New York, NY
Just looking for people's personal experiences with metal tank stands, the knockdown ones you can get at the LFS.

This would be for a potential 10g, so it wouldn't be as risky as if it were a 55g, but I'd like to hear your experiences/opinions first anyways.
Ive had one made from square tube with push together plug things to join the tubes... its been under a 30" tank for 40 years !

Personally I would contact a steel merchant and buy the tube, and weld it up if I wanted another one (it would be cheaper)
Failing that, ive made wooden ones quite easily..
I'm looking for opinions on the knockdown ones you get at your LFS, not any DIY ones.
40 years!!! and u had it made how old is u like 60?
i usually make all my own stands at work as i work at a sructural steel fabrications company but i saw one of the stand your on about going for £1 on ebay a while back so i thought what the hell why now

it has had 2 2ft tanks on it now for little over 4 months and no problems to report standing strong and i have to admit i didnt trust it at first :lol: but its all good :good:

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