Metal Halide Lights

It is entirely possible to use this 'garden' fixture for marine aquaria, but you have to change the bulb to an aquarium lamp. Remember to match the type of lamp i.e double or single ended and the wattage and everything else should fall nicely. I was at one point actively trying to get people interested in this cheaper but none-the-less effective option. All the same cons exist as well like the heat issue so plan for plenty of ventilation but otherwise good luck with your new venture.

For the lamp in the first link, would this bulb work: [URL=""][/URL].
I have a 20gallon tank so would that bulb be too strong and produce too much heat. I found this site with some bulbs on it, which one would be good for the fitting in the fist link of the first post? [URL=";filter=4939"];filter=4939[/URL]
The light in this link, comes with a 150W halogen tube, could i use this for my reef, or could i change it for one of the bulbs in the above links?
you need an aquarium bulb. I couldnt see anything in the links but i think they are normal bulb suppliers.
I currently have a 15W Arcadia Marine White Light with a reflector, is this adequate enough for keeping soft corals?

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