Merky water any way to permanantly fix?


New Member
Oct 26, 2004
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I have a 65 gallon reef tank that has been up for several months now. I added carbon to the sump and it did the trick for a while. The water cleared up pretty good for about 2 weeks. Now i guess the carbon effect wore off because the water is now merky again. So do i just keep buying carbon all the time? What are my other options if there is any at all help...
what kind of merky is it green merky, white merky, big particles merky, and what kind of filtration do you use this is just so i can get an idea of what you have :)
greenish merky color of the water i would say. Its just started to get that way again.
so what things do you have in your tank i.e fish and stuff and what lights do you have and how long do you have them on for oh and have you done test ammo nitrate nitrite
Its is a reef tank i have a 175 watt metal halide light and 2 actenic blue bulbs. The halide stays on no more than 10 hours a day. For filtaration i am running a refugium setup with mineral mud. As far as fish i have 3 clown fish, and a damsel and a purple fish not sure of the name and a buble anenomie then im guessing around 50lbs of live rock.
sorry for all the questions do you use tap water or RO, if you use tap then it could be free floating algea that feeds on silicates in the water i coulb be wrong but if i am some one will correct this :unsure:
Im not sure if this has any connection but i have noticed that wheni change my tank water it gets a greeny yellow tint to it. a few people i know get the same thng. The connection... they all use mineral mud setups.

My largest problem with the mineral mud is that i get large suspended particals in the water, i dont notice any discolouration in the water however until i change it for fresh and then i can see side by side the difference in the colour
Sorry but more questions :D ?

How large is your refugium? What do you keep in it?

Is that your Only filter?
Yeah, thats the only filter that I have is the Refugium. And I heard the live rock helps to filter too. But I recently found that my pump tilted on its side and the hose was pinched...I think that may have been the problem. Thanks.

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