Mental fishies?


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
Warrington, Cheshire
2 of my platies are really not doing much. I recently removed 6 rather fin-nippy zebra danios which terrorised the platy's regularly, and replaced them with neons.

The platys have stopped moving round the tank, never moving except to eat, then returning to the same spot as before. Could this be because they were nervous around the danios and haven't worked out that they have gone yet, or could it be a problem with salt (i.e there isn't any). I have started a topic for salt problems, but I wanted to explore other possibilities as well (check other topics stated by me in the last 48 hours and add to them if possible as well)

Will they start to swim around again, I hope so!!!
the neons are fin nippers to I had to take mine back to the store for this I couldnt stand to watch them keep eating away at my other fish. I know that you probally dont want to hear this but it is true from my dealings with them.
I've never heard of neons being fin nippers... -_- :unsure:
So far the neons have only shown mild agression towards themselves, they are totally not bothering the 4 platies or the siames fighting fish yet. Do you have any further suggestions on the initial question?
the neons I had made my male betta look like a female that is the only thing that was with him it had to be them I took them back to the pet store and traded them for mollies and that was a mistake I have over 50 babies now I am going to have to buy a bigger tank because they are growing everyday they are almost a inch long that 10 gallon I have them in isnt bigger enough for them I may be wrong but they sure ate my bettas fins off and it wasnt from not feeding them because that is when I was feeding them to much.
go to the betta bowl and read a reply that wuvmybetta wrote about the tetras she has had some tetras that started nipping fins I guess some of them wont and some of them will but if your platys are staying at the bottom and the salt bath didnt work then they are nipping to.
I don't know about platys, but my tetras seem to exhibit similar behavior. I figure it's prob. due to understocking (planning on increasing their numbers, but have been dealing w/ various sick fishies since Jan. :( , which leaves the quar. tank unavailable). Although...others have said theirs do the same...and that it can be attributed to simply having a place to hide, and not to worry. In my case, tho, I'm hoping more will reduce their shyness...maybe that could be the case w/ your fish? Like I said...don't know about platys...:unsure: or if you have room for more!

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