Mental Clown Loach


Fish Crazy
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Dont know, dont care
:-( :-( :-( :byebye: :byebye: my clown loach jumped out of my tank today.
During this week the loach has jumped into my filter 3 times! :/ :eek: :crazy:
i saw him the first time but i just lOOked the other times :/ :/ :/
I sure wish i had a psycoligest fish in my tank :rofl: :rofl:
today i got a new one and i just put him in the tank. :) :)
Hi! Welcome to the oddballs institute!


Seriously though, sorry about the loss of your clown loach :/. However, from what you said he did sound pretty loopy. My three are hardly that crazy, sleeping in the rocks all day then coming out in the evening to eat. :)

lol ty and yes he was quite loopy :rofl:
also my algee eater is kinda loopy
i saw him in the same rock house as the loach AT THE SAME TIME! lol :rofl: :rofl:
Fish that jump are generaly under stress - bad water quality is usualy to blame. In this case, are you aware that clown loaches should be kept at least in threes and that they grow to 12 inches?
Did you have at least 3 clowns?
Generally if you only have one, it'll get lonely and try to make its own fun...
This can be anything from pestering other fish to rearranging things to leaping out of the tank. It's really best for everybody if you keep 3 or more.

If you do have 3 or more....
....well, some clowns are just loopy! :D
Hope you have better luck with the new one!
sylvia said:
Fish that jump are generaly under stress - bad water quality is usualy to blame.
Ummm...if you have ever had clowns you will realise that they are adventurous fish and will do these things. I had a hard time stopping them going into my filter until the novelty wore off. When one goes missing I still look in the filter and sure enough....

Sorry to hear about your clown dying zac....

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