Membrane In Ro Unit Help


Mar 26, 2011
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Bolton (UK)
I bought a second hand RO unit the other day :D after plumbing it in today i thought i would have a play.

My tap water is 31ppm TDS (Very low :D )

and after it has run through my RO/DI it comes out at 0

I have read on the the internet that even if it is 0 at the end it doesnt mean all is well with your unit.

i read that it is best to test the water before it gets to the DI stage so i took water from a pipe before it gets to the final DI stage and it was 7ppm TDS.

After doing the maths to work out the rejection rate i am getting around 77%

Am i right in thinking that the maths is ..

Tap TDS - RO TDS Divided by the Tap TDS x100 = rejection rate

So .. 31 - 7 = 24 Divided by 31 = 0.77419(etc..) x 100 = 77.4% rejection rate

Sorry for the maths lesson :lol: just want to make sure i am right before replacing the membrane. :teacher:
Wow I just got a serious headache! haha! Surely you don't need to replace anything until the end result rises. Then I have been told the first thing to check is the DI resin, then the prefilters then the membrane?
Cricky that Maths made my head hurt and shut down!

The rejection should be:

1 part water to 4 parts rejection

To me, your membrane is working fine, you have 0 tds after the di resin and 7 before, with your tap water at 31, which is indeed very very low

Seffie x

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