Melon Barbs


New Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Hi :unsure:
I am thinking of adding some melon barbs to my tank any input to there behaviour with other fish would be helpful
I have in my tank
6 neon tetras
6 rosy barbs
4 panda platys
4 tuxedo platys
2 chinese algae eaters
thank you
The Melon barb, Barbus fasciatus is a sturdy, easy to keep easy to feed, and pretty easy to breed species. Peacfeful enough, but as with all species, when there is a large size difference, a perfectly peaceful fish may regard a small fish simply as food, it is not aggressive behaviour. As this fish grows to 150+mm/6" I'd be somewhat concerned for the Neons. Also, as a shoaling fish which should be kept in a group of 5-6 or more specimens, you'll need to consider you tank space and stocking level.
The Melon barb, Barbus fasciatus is a sturdy, easy to keep easy to feed, and pretty easy to breed species. Peacfeful enough, but as with all species, when there is a large size difference, a perfectly peaceful fish may regard a small fish simply as food, it is not aggressive behaviour. As this fish grows to 150+mm/6" I'd be somewhat concerned for the Neons. Also, as a shoaling fish which should be kept in a group of 5-6 or more specimens, you'll need to consider you tank space and stocking level.

I have a 180 litre tank but I don't think i will bother as the neons were my frist fish and i would not like to see any harm come to them

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