

Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
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in front of the computer
I have a fish who has fungus right now. Actually, it is almost gone now, but he has some little cuts where it was. I put some Melafix in to make sure it didn't get infected. The next morning the fish were all looking really sluggish. I could smell the Melafix halfway across the room. I changed a little water and put the carbon back in the filters for a few hours. Once the Melafix was all gone, they seemed to feel a lot better. I was also using an anti-fungal product called Acriflavin. Both are supposed to be quite mild, or so I was told. Has anyone else had a simelar problem? :alien:
I've never used Melafix but I know some that swear by it. I've heard others say it didn't work for them. It's not usually good to mix meds so could this be the problem?
I think SMB has got it there, u really shouldn't mix different meds.

Melafix, imo, is pretty strong stuff and is normally very good
Actually melafix isn't strong enough to cure many many diseases. ;) its just like a panadol for humans ;)
I was thinking it might be the fact that I used two at the same time. Thanks for the help guys

ps whats panadol do we have it here in the states are you sure you don't mean pennicilin
Melafix can be used safely with other medications, i have done so on a couple of occasions. Personally i dont think the melafix actually does anything to cure the problem at hand but does help to prevent the infection spreading to other fish and the infected fish from getting secondry infections, it is particually good at stoping wounds from territory disputes from becoming fungused.

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