melafix works great


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2004
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Birmingham Alabama (ROLL TIDE!)
just wanted to give a plug to this product. I had never used it before this weekend. i had seen so many people recomend it. I had to try it after a little fungas/tail rot out break happened.
I lost 4 fish and saw more started to look bad. I lost a male guppy,green cory, pygmy cory and an otto. Man I was in panic mode and just searched this forum. I saw a lot of recomendations for melafix. I had lost but the guppy saturday morning and saw my male guppy and 2 females with signs of fungus. I went to the store that day for supplies and decided to try melafix. I was impressed it helped with my 2 female guppies. My male had deterioated badly while i was gone over the after noon his tail was completely gone and his body started to fungus. I wanted to see if this stuff worked. I was pleased to see it didnt harm my bio filter ( :thumbs: ) and put it to work. that night I had noticed the fungus was gone from the males body and he was moving again. I also saw the fungus from my females was gone. I put a preventive dose in my other tanks and began to thank God this stuff worked. no more sickness. I am sad to report my male guppy died :byebye: but the females only need to regrow part of their tails back. I think melafix saved the girls and all of my other fish. I moved my pygmies over to the 5.5 gallon since my pleco was a little rough (unintentionally ) on them. all seems well now... :kana:
Hi rollntider :)

I'm glad to hear that your fish are healing. :nod: Sorry to learn about your losses though. :-(

MelaFix does seem to be a good product. I've seen it do an amazing job of clearing up a very infected gourami. :nod:

But it does not always work. From what I have been able to tell, if it's going to be successful it will work quickly. But if you don't see fast healing, move on to an antibiotic. Don't waste precious time waiting for it to kick in; it might not happen.
well i saw noticeable improvement in everyone after treating. Even the guppy that died he cleared up wonderfully and i thought he was gonna make it. I did lose a betta this morning had no fin rot or show signs of disease. I have the worst luck with them. I will ask around in the betta forum as to what I am doing wrong.

Melafix is great, Expensive but great.

Treat the Tank whenever i Do a Water Change to be safe. And have started using it when i Bring Home a new Betta.
I have to say that I've had goo luck with it too. Inchworms advice sounds pretty good to me. If it dosen't seem to improve things right away - I'd move on to someting stronger too...

Melafix is pretty good stuff - I haven't saved too many fish with it because one had advanced stages of mouth fungus, and another died because I was a noob and didn't take the carbon out of the filter. It's nice to have a natural cure instead of lots of chemicals.
I've also had good luck with the Jungle anti-fungus tabs, but they turn the water green.

Gotta warn everybody that "preventative" treatments aren't the best idea because overuse of any antibiotic can cause bacteria to become immune. And these mutated immune bacteria will be more destructive than their counterparts.
I wish Melafix had worked for me. I have two corys and a betta living in my 4 gallon. I caught the fin rot in its earliest stage and added Melafix but stopped doing water changes according to the Melafix instructions. Now both corys and the betta have fin rot and I'm off to the lfs to get some medication.
noelberg said:
...Gotta warn everybody that "preventative" treatments aren't the best idea because overuse of any antibiotic can cause bacteria to become immune. And these mutated immune bacteria will be more destructive than their counterparts.
Absolutely right, noelberg :nod:

The very best way to prevent disease is to do regular water changes and gravel cleanings. It's also important to keep the water temperature constant.

Both bettas and corys are very susceptible to bacterial infections (often confused with fungus) because their immune systems have been weakened by poor water conditions. When that happens it becomes difficult and sometimes impossible to save them.

Disease prevention is always a better approach than waiting for a fish to become sick and trying to treat it. :D
rollntider said:
I do do 1 ot 2 water changes weekly (depending on tank conditions) so it isnt from not keeping it clean
Hi rollntider :)

Don't feel bad that this was said. :no: Sometimes disease will strike no matter how hard you try to prevent it. It happens to me too, once in a while, and I work very hard to keep my fish healthy.

This is the kind of thing that really makes a fishkeeper feel helpless, but there is no 100% perfect way to keep your fish disease free. With all of the scientists working to prevent and cure human disease, that's not possible either. :-(

All we can do is try. :nod:

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