Melafix really worked for me!


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Just thought I would share my Melfix experience with you all.

I lost a couple of Yellow Labs in unfortunate circumstances a while back and after getting my tank water back to as near perfect as you can get it, I replaced them at the weekend. Did the usual float the bag etc... , and low and behold, half hour later one had been attacked in the bag by the other and had shredded fins and a wound on his side. I no longer have a hospital tank, and the LFS had closed so I had to put him in and take pot luck. I started adding Melafix immediately, and 2 days on, his wound has gone and his fins look as though they were never touched. :D

I really do find this to be an excellent treatment, and over the last 2 years have successfully treated finrot, body fungus, and now this.

Hope this can be of help to someone else. :cool:

I am also currently using's a miracle worker!! As long as the instructins are followed and you don't mind the smell!! I quite like it now!
I use it frequently with the fish I 'nurse back to health' from my LFS!

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