MelaFix and CopperSafe at once


Jun 16, 2003
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I have a little case of Ich, so I bought some Mardel CopperSafe, and put that in my tanks (both got the ich)...

I also am trying to treat an ongoing mouth fungus problem in my smaller tank, so i got some MelaFix to try.

What does everyone think about doing these treatments at once? Or should i just be patient and wait for the signs of ich to go away first?

- kip
Should be fine,i have been using melafix and a anti bacterial treatment together to treat a fish with popeye and there hasnt been any ill affects and it even seemed to speed the healing process up,the eye is back to normal after just 6 days.
As far as i know melafix is only made with natural ingredients,it wouldnt suprise me if it was just water and tea tree oil with a emulsifier to blend them.

BTW if your treating a fungus problem that isnt going away you should add a stronger chemical treatment,to be honest i dont hold much faith in melafix used on its own its just good at stopping the problem from spreading not actually stopping it totally,just my opinion.
what are some suggestions for treating a fungus? i have tried Super Sulfa medication made by Aquatronics. I did the basic treatment and continued it as per the instructions, and still, symptoms did not go away. what else would you suggest i try. I'm open to anything here. :D
I cant help on US brands of treatments,we over here in the UK have totally different ones to you,if over here i would use either Interpet #8 or Protozin by Waterlife with the melafix as a secondry treatment to be use along side.

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