Megalodoras uranoscopus


Bored into leaving
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere else, as I am banned...
I'm pretty sure the answer is negative, but thought I'd check as I can't find any stories of keeping this fish.

Could this fish live with Pim Pictus once both are adult?

I'm fairly sure that being as it's a 24" (or more) catfish it won't co-exist happily with 6" fish, but I just want to check to make sure. I know Paul ordered some not Megalodoras long ago...I was just wondering how predatory they are...

Paul's are m. urwinii.

They're not agressively preditory, but they will cetainly swallow anything that will fit in their mouth, so a six inch fish would go down nicely
SirMinion said:
Paul's are m. urwinii.

They're not agressively preditory, but they will cetainly swallow anything that will fit in their mouth, so a six inch fish would go down nicely

According to Chris Ralph in an article on Scotcat M. Irwini (couldn't find anything on google for M. uwinii) recently had its scientific name changed to M. uranoscopus and M. irwini is now a synonym.

I didn't think they would likely get along, but thought I'd make sure, since there's a nice specimin (still only around 5") at Wickford. Why does nowhere round here carry Platydoras costatus?
so far mines very lazy!, i ususally just reach down and stick a lance fish in front of him which he then gobbles down.

I expect if he did decide to move though he would eat a pim pictus.
Miss Dib Dabs said:
You tried Swallows in Rayleigh? If they don't have any in I'm sure, if you asked, they'd try and get them. :)


Nice thought, but I wouldn't trust the idiots that work in Swallows to order me a burger. They have gotten rid of all their rarer and oddball stock to prevent people asking questions on fish that aren't a livebearer or tetra to save the staff's blushes. Their marine side is fairly competant but the tropical is just shocking. It is a shame since they went through a phase of labelling rare (like £40+) L number plecs as fancy commons and other made up names for around £6...Now they just keep buying in RTC x TSN and trying to sell them to the unsuspecting public (and unsurprisinlgy keep having to take them back).

If I was to order it would be from somewhere like Shotgate where the staff are very knowledgable and you can chat to them and share experiences.

However, I'm not a fan of ordering, I prefer to see a rare fish that most people wouldn't care for properly (like a lone dwarf puffer at the weekend) and give it a good home.

Paul, good to hear yours is ok. Someone at shotgate owns one and has to feed theirs through a tube as it refuses to come out and the other fish eat all the food before he can get near it...

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