Meet The Dragons


New Member
Apr 21, 2012
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Right now, I have a small group of breeding stock. All dragons. Four boys and three girls at the moment.

At the moment my boys are healing from tail biting and an escape, so their fins don't look as pretty as they should. Except for the new boy that I just got in who is in perfect condition, but still young.

My girls are all happy and healthy in a sorority 10 gal. They are being conditioned as I finish getting ready what I need for a spawn. Conditioning them all as I haven't decided on which female to use yet.

Without further delay, here are some pictures! Sorry for poor quality. These were taken with a cell phone while I wait on my new camera. I have more than these too.

Eva - Black marble dragon HM female. Carries the PK gene.

Lolth - Copper marble dragon HM female. Carries the PK gene.

Freydis - Black dragon HM female. Carries the PK gene.

Leonidas - Black dragon HM male. Carries the PK gene.

Egil - Red dragon HM male. Carries the PK gene.

Odin - Black dragon HM male. Carries the PK gene. Recently did some bad tail biting and sat under flow from filter which is now baffled better.

New unnamed male - Dragon PK. The rest is yet to be determined. He has yet to flare. Seems to be a marble. Colors are white, blues, and purples.
Thank you. ^_^

I've been thinking that I'll try Eva first, She's my smallest girl from the trio, but I love her personality and she has really good balance. Thinking about pairing her with Odin. If his sight impairment causes a problem, I'll have to choose one of my other boys. The new one isn't big enough yet. Leonidas builds fantastic bubble nests on a nearly daily basis. Big and thick ones. Egil is just plain pretty. Especially when he flares.
Thank you. ^_^

I take real pride in these guys. Each one has such a different personality. I love to sit and watch my sorority. I have people ask me how I tell the girls apart, but I think it's really easy to do. Outside of size, they have different coloration even if it may be slight.
Lolth is a lurker. She gets in the barrel decoration and lurks in the shadows. From time to time, she'll poke her head out slowly and then slowly pull back in.

Freydis is my little Queen. She's a tough one.

I love Leonidas. He acts like such a tough guy. His bubble nests are amazing really. He builds them all the time without an anchor!
Isn't PK dominant over everything else including HM. If I am right, they would all be PK. If not, I need to do more research x

Sorry got it wrong. Vt is dominant over PK. Sorry x

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