Meet Speedy!


New Member
Nov 26, 2006
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i have a few pets. and one of them is my baby Red eared slider, speedy. i had her since february. shes already 3 inches, and shes nearing 4 icnhes. well heres some pictures of her! and her friend, my sisters red eared slider, Franklin. whos 2 inches

heres speedy eating

speedy sleeping!

franklin basking. look at the little legs! :D

basking turtles!
this pic came out really good. its franklin!

lol i put a pic of speedy behinf the tank and both her and franklin stayed hours satring at it! they even stared at the speedy "god" while they were basking. it was sooo cute!

hope u enjoyed the pix! =] =] =]
Great pictures! Thank you so much for sharing them! You're turtles are beautiful and look very healthy! Your Speedy looks a lot like my RES, Potato :wub: . Potato is just now 3 inches. I've had "him" since the end of November of last year :D Arn't they loads of fun? And awesome idea with the Speedy god background :D
ur welcome!
they are healthy adn im happy becuz of that. although i have 2 get a bigger tank ASAP!
yes, they are soo much fun! i noe that turtles may have salmonella but i do let her walk on the floor. and i havent heard of anyone getting salmonella yet so speedy is safe :D
she loves climbing out and escaping and trust me-ie lost her a lot of times. if i think she cant get out from somewhere, she does. :D

lol both of our turtles are 3 inches :D
Yeah I always let my RES walk around too. But if you don't have, you should get a small Antibacterial soap container and keep it by your tank. I clean my hands with it before and after handling my turtle everytime. It keeps you AND the turtle from getting any diseases including salmonella. :) Can you tell by my username that I love RES? :D
:D lol yes i can tell u love res
i also like musk turtles scince they stay small
softeshells and snappers are ok too

i wash my and before and after handling the turtle. but i read that since there are so many res being born, the risk of them getting salmonella is very low
apparently your twice more likely to get samonela from the food you eat.
nice RES by the way.
i have a yellow belly slider and a saw back turtle.
Yeah most good breeders treat the eggs with a solution against salmonella. 99% of the hatchlings are born salmonella free, but it's always best to take that precaution.
well musk/stinkpot turtles grow 4-5 inches and can live in a 50 gallon tank. then lizards could lives somewhere a bit smaller...but i onli noe about turts...for now

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