Meet Rocky & Jack


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2008
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I have two jack Russell terriers, Rocky and Jack. They are sisters and we got them when they were three weeks old. They are six now. They are extremely high strung maniacs. We have to take them for walks every day to burn some of that energy off. When they say jack russels are hyper that is putting it lightly.

They are always getting into something they shouldn’t but I love them to peaces and wouldn’t have it any other way.






Hiding in the garden to do a sneek attack on my neighbour Eddie.


Thanks. Can you believe they are sisters? They don’t even look a like. They even have totally different personalities.

Is your neighbors dog hyper?
They do have totaly different markings. I don't know that much about my naighbors dog, but I don't think he's that hyper. When my dogs try to plaly with him, he just kinda ignors them. He did however, help us save one of my dogs from my other naighbors dog. I'm really glad he did!
Thanks Everyone!

They do have totaly different markings. I don't know that much about my naighbors dog, but I don't think he's that hyper. When my dogs try to plaly with him, he just kinda ignors them. He did however, help us save one of my dogs from my other naighbors dog. I'm really glad he did!

I know, it's great they don't look a like. Tell me about what happened wither you other neighbous dog. What happened?

They are absolutely adorable!
Must admit that I'm partial to the spotted beauty..

Well Rocky is pure bread and I don't know where her spots came from. Jack has faint spots like Rocky but Rocky sure is unique. I can't find another jack russell like her.
O.k. here goes.
Well, the Jack Russle (Eddy) was playing with my other naighbors dog (she is a big sled type dog). Both of them where off of thier leashes. I decided to take my dogs out to go potty in a lot near where they were playing. I didn't know the sled dog was there, she's given us truble before. My dogs are both very small. She could kill one of them with one bite. When I saw her I calmly started to walk away. When I knowtised her following I bulted, pulling my dogs along with me. I don't think they had seen her yet. She cought up to us and grabed one of my dogs around the mid section. Eddy, my dog Dexter, and I stared her in the eye and skreamed as loud as we could. She put my dog down and whent back home. I checked my poor puppy and found no wounds. We were really lucky!
Oh boy you were so lucky. I’m glad Dexter was okay and there were no wounds. I bet that was really scary. My heat would have been in my throat.

So I guess it worked out, I bet your happy. A big dog like that could have done some serious damage.
Yes, it is great Eddy was there. I would be scared too. Was the dog really that big? Did you ever tell your neighbour what happened? That is dangerous.
No, I didn't tell him what happened. Soon after that dog bit Eddy, and I haven't seen her off her leash since. I think it's been like two years now. Edd's fine now, he just had to get some stitches. The sled dog wasn't abnormaly big, but my dogs are really small. The one she bit only waighs about 8 lbs, and she's about a pound over waight. We're working on that. She's full grown too.
I also like the Rockys coloring.
POTM for the first pic, nothing like a Harley terrier! :good: I don't know how you get such a busy dog to wear a hat, much less sit still for a picture while wearing it.
I don't know how I got her to sit still either, LOL. She just got up and was tired so I stuck the hat on her. She was pretty groggy.
Hah. I have a jack russel who is also quite spunky (Hence her name is Spunky) She is turning 7 this year. When you play with her she goes really insane, I actually got a great pic of her going ape. But other then that she is just a lazy bum and lays around all day :)




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