Meet My Plecs


Fish Gatherer
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK
Just a couple of pics I took last night.

Merrick, the L144 with the deformed head - still small but definitely growing (sadly wonky head's staying wonky as he grows).

Mr Spoon, the common bn (I assume) - just getting his bristles. He has some round his lip - the rest are just dots (but not the colour spots if you get me) forming on his head.

And Rusty, the aptly named rusty plec. He's grown immensely since we got him a few months back.

I missed part of his tail in this shot - he's not as washed out in real life either, it's just as I was so close with the flash. The later pics are more accurate - his fins are much redder and his body is slightly darker and warmer too.


And finally - one with Merrick on the glass behind him - so you can see the size difference.
Great piccies ! :good: :wub: Do the BN's not destroy your plants ?!
Nope - all the damage to the plants was caused by the whiptails. So I didn't move the whiptails over into my tank, they stayed in my hubby's *lol*

I nicked the plants from his tank you see. Mind you - any damage from now on and I'll know who's done it!
Hi Lisa

Love the pics - Rusty is gorgeous :wub: He looks like he has grown since the last pics you put on here? How big is he going to get?

I think Merrick is a great name for the one with the deformed head. It doesn't look too bad, makes him kind of special I think!
Thanks folks :)

Rusty should get to about 10", they can get up to 12" I think, but the norm is 8-10". :)

I'd say all in all, including tail, he's probably 5-6" now. I'll have to get a tape measure out next time he's near the front ;)
cool plecs!
what are you feeding your rusty? ive had mine about 6 months and hes only grown about half an inch!
nath1 :good:
He'll eat anything - to be honest, he's been eating anything from catfish pellets, to Tetra variety wafers, to courgette/lettuce. He's having Sera plecochips as the main part of his diet now he's in a new tank, and he loves to eat his bogwood too (rusties need bogwood apparently).

He's a greedy little thing though - loves cleaning the tank, he's always scoffing something ;)
It might be worth investing in some then, as although I dont think they need is to the same extent as panaques (royal plecs, clown plecs etc), I do think they need it. Ours is always eating it ;)

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