Meet My Little Show String - Lionhead Bunnies


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been on the forum as frequently as I used to. This is because I have got really into the world of rabbits again and have recently started showing them. It is so much fun! I entered the New Forest Show this week and I received a 1st and 2nd!!! Total winnings £1.60 so yeah I'm rolling in it :rolleyes:

I have 8 rabbits altogether now! 6 lionheads, 1 mini rex and a really old netherland dwarf (think she must be 7 this year!). They are costing me a small fortume with vaccinations, food, hutches, shed, toys etc. All worth it tho! Still have my fish, got to clean them out today.

Here is some pics:

This is Morgan. She is 3 months old, Seal point lionhead doe. Soooooo fluffy at the mo

She travelled all they way down from Yorkshire about a month ago with some friends of mine.

This is Sadie, a 6 month old siamese sable lionhead doe. She took 1st price in her class.

She loves having a fuss made of her

This is Forest Gump. I bought him at the show from my friend who breeds lionheads. He is a 3 month old red eyed white lionhead buck.

He really is stunning! I hope to use him as my show buck and breed with Sadie and Morgan because gentically he carries the correct colours. I have also registered with the BRC (British Rabbit Council) so I am a certified shower/breeder so it's all above board. I have met so any new faces via the internet and rabbit shows and made many new friends.
I am hoping to enter London Excel which is a 5* rabbit show (biggest in the south) and held in Reading. Wish me luck!
Wow Phishy, best of luck at the big show!
It's amazing for me to see your gorgeous bunnies, where i live it is illegal to keep rabbits (in Queensland, Aus.), so i have never seen fancy rabbits like yours! They look beautiful! The only thing we hear about rabbits here is how to kill them....don't worry, i'm not trying to be nasty, i'm just pointing out why i was so blown away by your super fuzzy fancy coloured pretty show bunnies! :D
Aaaw :wub: , congrats. They are stunning and look so lovely and cuddly. I LOVE Morgan. Such a stunning little bunny.

I used to show my Broken Chin, Black Satin and Florida white... only because they were tattoo'ed when I got them, if not I probably wouldn't of showed after seeing all the other bunnies get tattoo'ed.. seemed painful.

Lionsheads are so adorable, and well done on the awards!
Thanks for all your comments! My rabbits are not tattooed. They have a metal ID ring on their back leg. This is put on at 8 weeks. BRC have rings in different sizes for each breed. They rings are harmless, however you do need to check each day that no straw had built up underneath.
Congrats :thumbs: They are all very pretty, but Forest Gump looks so noble :wub:

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