I think it would be a she because it's my understanding (could be wrong) that males have one regular claw and one HUGE one and females just have two regular ones.
My aunt had two and the male would take his huge claw and wave it up and down like a soldier or something. It was funny just up for 3 seconds then shoot it back down then up again and down again. He would stand in front of her and do it all day!
dunno this ones pretty agressive... whilst i was tryin to get a decent pic he/she kept tryin to attack me through the glass.... probably mutterin about the 'damn papparatzi' lmao
Looks like a male, Red Claw Crabs dont have one claw larger than the other, unless the crab lost a claw at some stage. the new claw that grows back will get as large as the other over many moults. Watch out for an empty crab too they like to surprise you by hiding in the bushes and watch you freak out at the empty shell
Females have two smaller claws and the flap underneath the body is fully rounded, whereas on the male it is pointy.
Yes, it will grow back, if you give him some bloodworms with scapings of a cuttlefish bone on it, he would much appreciate it you also need to make sure he doesnt get trapped out of the water for any long period of time, the shell wont harden and as they breathe through gills, they will suffocate