Meet Felix!


New Member
Mar 17, 2009
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Hi everyone!

I bought a new betta just over a week ago! I originally named him Perry after Dr. Perry Cox from the TV Series Scrubs. As I got to know my new little guy a little more, I came to realize that Perry was not a suitable name for him at all. The problem was, I really didn't know what was fitting for this little guy! After many suggestions from friends and a lot of thinking, I have found the perfect name for him.


Like Felix the cat.

I know it seems kind of silly naming a fish after a cat. However, this name is absolutely perfect.

As I watched him and gotten to know his personality, I realized that he reminded me of a cat. He hates pictures (as you will see) and often likes to do his own thing. He's definitely curous though. My filter lets out a few bubbles here and there and he often goes up and watches them. When the bubbles pop, he'll jump back a bit as if he wasn't expecting it. It's really cute! He loves to explore the tank and I never really see him sitting still for very long. I have also found he's not really a tough guy at all. I tried putting a mirror up to him and he just stared at it for a little while, looked at me and then tried to swim away from it. Didn't even consider flaring or anything! He gets upset when he sees the camera haha so I don't know if I'll ever be able to get a good picture of him. I feel bad trying! I took a quick one with flash so I could at least get the colour (sorta) so it wouldnt be blurry. I only took one though since I'm sure the flash isn't good.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to new adventures with Felix! I've wanted to get a cat again for a long time, so maybe Felix will be a good substitute? =P.

Here he is! The best I can get, anyway!


As you can see, he almost looks different in every single photo. His colour is primarily blue with green on the inner parts of his tail and red on the pectoral fins. When I bought him I thought his colouring was kind of unique, but I'm finding that there are many bettas on here that look rather similar to Felix! :p

I also thought I wrote this under the "Journals and Photographs" section, but I guess I didn't. Whoops! I have another post asking about introducing this guy into the tank, so I'm sorry for posting two things! This one is better anyway :). Feel free to ignore other!
Thanks! Yes that is one of the main things that caught my eye when I saw him! I loved how the light hit off of him. The shininess of his body was amazing!
Thanks everyone!

I feel like he's growing quite a bit since I got him. I'm not sure what the rate of growth is normally for bettas, but he's definitely gained a little more length. His tail is growing in a lot more than I was expecting (I originally thought he was a round tail but his tail doesn't look so round anymore haha). I've also noticed that he likes to swim in and around the air tube in the water like it's a game. He's always finding new ways to entertain himself...haha

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