Meet Bear


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2009
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Bear has been part of our family for just over 2 years,he will be 6 years old in October.

I spotted an ad in the local paper for 2 german shephards free to good home,and seeing as i had said i would have another one as soon as my youngest daughter was up on her feet i thought i would have a look.

It turns out they were at a house just 5 minutes from mine,when i went round i was gob smacked,here were these 2 gigantic GSD's in a tiny flat which was also occupied by 4 cats and 3 rowdy kids,no garden and they had matted hair,over grown claws,and very sad eyes.

That was it once i had made sure they were ok with kids i had to rescue them from this hell,knowing full well 2 of them wasn't really practical.

I was given both dogs(both intact males),both sets of papers one feeding bowl and one lead.

So home i went with ceasar and bear,introduced them to my 4 kids (one at a time) gave them a good feed with decent quality food (not the shops own brand rubbish they gave me),fussed over them and then brushed them,clipped nails etc.

Let them run wild in my large back garden,and watched them look tonnes better in a short while.

I knew i would have to rehome atleast one and possibly both if they wouldn't cope with seperation,the decision was heartbreaking but we decided to keep bear because he was the more gentle dog,where as ceasar,although not aggressive,wanted to be top of the pecking order.

I advertised him and vetted alot of home before letting him go,and he only went on the condition he may have to come back if the seperation was too much.

Thankfully they both coped well and we still regularly see ceasar.

Bear is rougly 8.5 stone in weight with massive paws but he is a huge teddy bear.

My 3 year old daughter can sleep on him,put his hair in bobbles,chase him around the house,pull his ears and he doesn't bother,the only time he has ever growled was when little miss got a little too close to his family jewels,and even that was just a little growl to let her know they were off limits LOL

He is protective of me in particular and will stand between me and any strangers until he is confident that i will be ok,he has also proved a very useful alarm system,no one will dare come into our garden without his permission unless they know him due to the size of him.

It was obvious he had never been walked because he had no idea how to act outside the garden fence,and the first time i put him on a lead he dragged me down the street,3 days of constant training with a halti and he was a pleasure to walk.

Shame the old owners replaced the boys with a collie pup less than a week after getting rid of these 2.

I wish we could have kept ceasar too but it wouldn't have been fair to him or practical for us.

Bear is now a firm family member and comes everywhere with us,and the 4 kids totally adore him.The cat likes to tease him but they get on great when no one is looking.

Sorry about the novel LOL

T xx


lovely to hear your story NaughtyT, both dogs look very happy & in great condition, you should be proud of yourself, well done. :)
He is gorgeous and thanks for sharing the story

POTM nomination for, oh I can't decide, they are all lovely - ok, will go for the last picture :good:

Seffie x

Good job for taking good care of them and finding a good home for Caesar. They look very healthy now. Do those people still have the collie?
What a fantastic story!! What a lucky dog to have found you. He is totally gorgeous :wub:
Thankyou for all of your comments and of course for the nominations :D

Bear is very much one of the children in this house and deffinately a mummies boy,he even tries to sit on my knee.

I'm not sure if they still have the collie but i have not seen them going about for a long time,so i'm assuming they probably don't.

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