Medication question


Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2005
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Well, it's not real urgent, but I just wanted to make sure that Melafix is an effective treatment for ich. Does anybody know?
I have found that melafix is really just a general "perk me up", good for treating stress if there are no other symptoms, that kind of thing.

I'm pretty sure I've heard protozin mentioned in treating whitespot.

Myself I have used King British White Spot Control before which worked well for me.
Melafix isnt really a medication, its more of a natural tonic that can help prevent diseases setting in when fish have open wounds and calms them in times of stress. When actual diseases are present it is best to use a medication designed specificly for that ailment, melafix can then be used along side the medication simaltaniously to prevent any secondry infections.
Okay, thanks. I'm glad I asked. I do have a small outbreak, but it's not bad yet so I think I have time to get something more specific.

So, if Melafix is a general tonic, would it help to put some in a tank where some of the fish are a bit stressed? I did some rearranging in my ten gallon and the neons are feeling a bit stressed as a result. I put some stress coat in the other day and they seem to be perking up a bit, but I was wondering if the Melafix would help any. Also, will it kill my bacteria?
Some folks swear by Melafix, others swear at it. I have a general rule of thumb: The less stuff you add to a tank, the better. I don't think my bottle of melafix has been opened in almost three years.

For ich consider using QuikCure.
Can anyone tell me just how serious white spot is? I know it can be deadly if left untreated, but what kind of time frame am I looking at? Will a 50% water change and medicine starting immediately be likely to clear it up or am I looking at losing some fish? I'm pretty sure what caused it because the nitrites in that tank are a bit high. I've been doing water changes, but the substrate is fairly new and the filter was just changed to a brand new one recently so it's going through a mini cycle. The ammonia is perfect, but the nitrites haven't leveled off yet.

Anyway...any time frame and likelihood of losing fish?

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